Monday, February 24, 2014

How to Run Twitter Bootstrap Documentation in Windows

Hi, you can arrived at here must be because you are Twitter Bootstrap Lover just like me.
Anyway in Twitter Bootstrap version 3.x.x, it's Documentation Changed from pure HTML Files to Jekyll Site. You Can Run it Easely with following Guides Below :

1. Download Ruby Application Stack From Bitnami. Latest version is Better. Here's the Link : then install it.

2. Download Twitter Bootstrap 3.x.x Source Code from GitHub (Documentation Included in Source Code) :
- Latest :
- Archived Version :
then Extract it to wherever place you like, eg: "C:\Users\zemmy\Desktop\bootstrap".
3. After that you can follow guide from here to install Jekyll in Windows OS. Or you can follow my following Guide :
  • Make sure you have installed Bitnami Ruby Application Stack and Connected to Internet.
  • Open "Use Bitnami Ruby Stack" from Windows Start Menu or from C:\BitNami\rubystack-1.9.x-xx\use_ruby.bat, then Bitnami Ruby Command Console will open. Then type "gem install jekyll --version "=1.4.2"".
  • After Jekyll Gem Installation Done, type in Bitnami Ruby Command Console "cd C:\Users\zemmy\Desktop\bootstrap" to go to Extracted Twitter Bootstrap Source Code and Documentation Folder.
  • Type "chcp 65001" in Bitnami Ruby Command Console.
  • From the root /bootstrap directory, run "jekyll serve" in the command line.
Voila, Twitter Bootstrap Documentation can Accessible from "http://localhost:9001/"

For Windows 8 or 8.1 User, if you type "chcp 65001" in Bitnami Ruby Command Console, the Jekyll can't process HTML Page, so blank page will be seen in "http://localhost:9001/".
So to fix this, just skip type "chcp 65001" in Bitnami Ruby Command Console.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Setup Default website for IP address Visitor in Virtualmin

If you are using Virtualmin as Control Panel for Web Hosting, you may have visitor accessing your IP instead of your Domain. For default, Virtualmin will select first domain which sort alphabetically. But, to make it fix, you can follow step below:
1. Select your prefered domain.
2. Go to Server Configuration > Website Options > Default website for IP address? [Choose Yes]
3. Click Save to Save the configuration.

Setup Default Page For Virtualmin New Website

Virtualmin is one of Free Control Panel for Linux, it can host lot of website in one server. So if you create new website, that root webpage will be show empty.
To put Default Page or Landing Page for every new website created, you can put whatever you'd like into the skel directory. Usually the location is /etc/skel. So, you'd create:

And drop an index.html into it with whatever default page you like... be sure to include any images or other bits. You can also, optionally, have variable substitution done within the files--so you could have the page display the domain name or description field in the temporary site.

Visual Studio 2013 – The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0×80070002)

If you have such error after install Visual Studio 2013 then create ASP.NET MVC Project,
The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0×80070002)
The Solution is Reinstall Nuget from here, it’s work for Me.. Cheers.