Thursday, March 27, 2014

Claim VirtualBox HD Empty Space File Size

If You often Use VirtualBox to do your work, after sometime you will see the Disk (VDI) File Size increasing so Big. Even after you Delete many Files inside Guest OS, it still keep the size larger.

You can do following steps to Reduce it:
1. Run Defrag in the Guest (Windows)
2. Nullify free space:
With Linux guest run this:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigemptyfile bs=4096k
sudo rm -rf /bigemptyfile
With Windows guest, download SysinternalsSuite then run this:
sdelete –z
3. After that Shutdown the guest VM
4. Run VBoxManage's compact command
VBoxManage.exe modifyhd thedisk.vdi --compact

All these Step will Reduce your VirtualBox HD. Compare It. :D

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Best UI Kit For Web Programming

If you are Web Developer and want to have easy layout so you can build your website faster, you can use below UI Kit:


- Twitter Bootstrap built by the Creator of Twitter.
- Zurb Foundation built by The Foundation of Zurb Agency.
- uikit built by the Creator of YOOtheme - Wordpress and Joomla Theme Maker.
- ConciseCss by KEENAN PAYNE


- Jquery Mobile