Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Reset Files and Folders Permission on Windows

I often used windows permission to limit other user on the same PC to access application/Folder/File. But after the real owner of the file is resign, i had to change those files/folders permission to original or directly change to current user.

So if you need to reset file/folder permission setting to default, you can use command below:
ICACLS (Folder or File name) /T /Q /C /RESET

Above command will help you to accomplish your need.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Laravel Release Download

I love to used Laravel as my Web Framework. Many Projects that i develop used Laravel.
But the downside of Laravel Release download, Laravel never put every version release as an archive, instead you have download it directly from source.

So to make my self and you who visit my blog easier in future to get Laravel when starting new project or update current project with new laravel release, i put every Laravel relese in my Dropbox then you can download it in single rar archive.

Laravel v4.1.18 - Download
Laravel v4.2 - Download
Laravel v4.2.4 - Download
Laravel v4.2.8 - Download
Laravel v4.2.9 - Download
Laravel v4.2.11 - Download
Laravel v4.2.16 - Download
Laravel v5.0.22 - Download

Hope this writing and Laravel Archive can help you.

ExtJS 5.x Download

With the launch for new ExtJS version 5.x, Sencha tried to push the developer for purchase their product. Because now as default, ExtJS will download as 30 Days Trial. But in the other side, Sencha still support for Open Source Application. So you can download ExtJS for free if you agree with their GPLv3 term.
So for the shortcut, here is the link to download ExtJS version 5.x :
The download button will be available on the bottom of the page.